, tailwind, and live reloading along with some run targets for PyCharm. Now it’s time to finish up the housekeeping.
How I Start: Django, Tailwind, HTMX (part 2)
In part 1, I set up the project, a sensible
How I Start: Django, Tailwind, HTMX (part 1)
I wanted to try out some “modern” front-end development for a while, and I did. FastAPI is great. So is Svelte. But even though I found creating APIs that way to be a breeze, building a whole site that way felt much slower and heavier than using traditional server rendering. So I decided to give django a fair shake for a while, and I’m glad I did. Here’s how I currently like to get a site started with django, using Tailwind CSS for responsive layouts and styling, and mixing in alpine.js and HTMX to make the site feel reactive. I’m glad I gave the backend/frontend split an honest try, but this fits the way I think about sites better.
Is This Thing On?
I feel like restarting the blog. Let’s see how long it sticks this time. My goal is at least 100 posts in the next 12 months.
Source Debugging for LÖVE2D
As good as existing editing tooling for LÖVE2D, sometimes source debugging is hard to beat.
Distributing LÖVE games on Windows
Not surprisingly, the kids are interested in the game projects I’m building for class. But they want to play on the TV.
I Will Miss Keybase
Zoom has acquired Keybase. It’s hard to imagine that it will continue in anything much like its current iteration. I will miss it.
Sound Levels on Kdenlive
Control volume levels of different audio tracks separately in kdenlive.
Pushing to a Non-default Remote Branch
I can never remember the incantation to get git to push to a non-default remote branch that doesn’t exist locally. So I’m writing it down.
Thinkpad T480 Firmware Updates on Fedora KDE
Firmware updates are not front-and-center in the KDE spin of Fedora. I missed a couple. Here’s how to get them.